Monday, July 23, 2012

Track 2: 93 Million Miles

Hello everyone!  

Guess what... 
Someone has a case of the MONDAYS!

(Side bar: Monday is my only day off, this is the equivalent of a case of the weekend.)
(Second side bar: Does this little girl also have a case of my Mondays or is she pooping?)

Time for the second addition to my soundtrack:

"93 Million Miles" by Jason Mraz

 Sunday night:  
    Work ends around 9pm.  Finished cleaning up at 9:13pm.  Signed out by 9:16pm.  In the car at 9:20pm.  Drive to my good friends house one state over and arrive at 11:20pm.  Hang out with my two friends for a few hours, shoot the shit: High school memories, old friends, past adventures, plans for the future.  It was a good night and worth the two hour drive home.

Monday morning:
   Wake up in my own bed.  Sit and write this blog.  And get ready for a day full of adventures.

There is something inherently beautiful and awful about home.  While you're stuck there you want to get out.  Stretch your wings.  See the world.  And you should, all birds leave the nest at some point.  But once you're gone, a fondness grows in the place of that restlessness.  You realize that home is now a place you can always go back to when you need a little soul therapy.

There have been enough frustrations and hardships in my life recently and I knew it was time for this soul therapy.  I have not felt happier that the happiness I felt seeing my friends last night in quite some time.  And seeing my parents for just a few minutes so far this morning has already done wonders to my spirit.  

Today I will see other friends I haven't seen in a while and spend time with my family and I know that it is just what the doctor ordered (that, and to put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up, but that comes later too).

I never do want to stay here.  I would get too restless.  Too much need to fly.  But just like the song says, wherever I go, I can always go back home.  We all need that.  Some place you can go when you need to be reminded of the love in your life.  

The lyrics to Jason Mraz's song my be a bit silly, and the tune might be too syrupy for some people.  But personally I love it's laid back nature.  I love that silliness.  It's good to have some silliness and some syrup when it comes to going on.  Especially if home involves some home made Belgium Waffles.  

So friends, how about you?  What song are you listening to today?  Leave your comments below!  I love listening to new music.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Track 1: Section 9 (Light and Day/ Reach for the Sun)

Hey world.

Have you ever set situations in your life to music?  Not out loud obviously, but in your mind.

It's something I do frequently.  Something that actually tends to help me stick to my convictions, to keep moving forward, to keep me grounded, and to make sure that while not all of my choices are the right ones... the intentions are always of the best nature.

So today I decided: I want to document this.  I want to make a sound track to my life.  Maybe add some commentary to it.  Little blurbs in the liner notes, if you will.

Now I know this is where I need the help of my friends-

You see, my life doesn't belong solely to me.  It belongs to my friends, my family, anyone really...
So why should I be posting my soundtrack without knowing what is playing in your heads too?

It can be anything you want.  But I want the readers to join me in this.  Comment and post the songs that are accompanying your life now too.  It's catharsis.  It's a little crazy.  And it makes life much more exciting.

Life is beautiful, and music is the embodiment of that.  So lets play some music together.

So without further ado-  Today's song:  
Section 9 (Light and Day/Reach for the Sun) by the Polyphonic Spree.

Being away from my friends, and from my family it is easy to feel alone in the world.  Some friends are across the country and some are simply not at home in their own hearts.  But this song and this band make me remember that feeling of togetherness.  This band is such a good example of family.  And on top of that, when times get hard, it's easy to give up.  It's easy to fold and bend and break.  But the true rewards of life will come to those who fight for them.  And more so to those who do so with the help of their friends and family.  

A man shot and killed 12 and injured 38 people last night at the midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises.  In times like this, we all need friends and family.  We all need love.  We all need some light.

Today and every day is a day for community.  It's a day to aspire to great things.  It's a day to love.
So let's follow the day and reach for the sun.